14 November 2007


November 13

So from now up until the election there is this wonderful phenomenon of people walking the streets selling things for more than dirt cheap known as hawkers. They’re selling shirts for 50 bob (less than a dollar), 18 in 1 dvds for 100 bob (1.50, yeah the quality sucks, but for that price I don’t really care) Better yet the DVD collections have amazing (funny) names…such as the 18 in 1 collection I bought today titled..get this “Round the World Fistworld Struggle for Hegemony” It has movies like the Rocky movies and Fight Club, I liked the movies on it but I bought it partly for that title. Rhoda told me that as soon as the election is over, the hawkers will be cleared out because they’re actually illegal because they clog the sidewalks a lot, but right now Kibaki’s allowing them because he wants their votes. Kenyans, they know how to work the system, and I’m gonna take advantage while I can.

For the longest time I couldn’t understand what people were calling them with their accents. I thought they were saying ‘hookers’ not ‘hawkers’ I was like, “What? The hookers are out selling WHAT on the streets?!?”

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