So my room flooded yesterday afternoon. The water is turned off sometimes, this time because they thought the bill wasn’t paid, but it was. I thought I’d turned my tap off when I was checking to see if it was back on, but instead I’d turned it all the way on, so in a matter of about an hour there were four inches of water on my floor. I was in the main house and we realized when a guy knocked on the door and told us the room was flooding. So for the next hour or so Michelle, her friend Zach who was over and I scooped, swept and mopped out the water into a tiny hole in the corridor that serves as a drain for rain water. Fortunately the carpet in the room isn’t attached so it just rolled up and we set it out to dry (although it’s been raining ever since, so it will take awhile). Nothing got damaged, just some wet clothes, my suitcases a little wet and my passport which dried out pretty nicely. It made me feel a little less stupid to know that almost every student they’ve had has done that (one girl three times) and that since the water goes out from time to time, a lot of Kenyans are used to floods from accidents like that. Fortunately I was home when it happened because I’m the only one with the key to that room.
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