Ok, so this is not only my Kenya blog, but also an India blog because that is where I have been for the last 24 hours. I realized how silly my posting times must look.
I just got here last night after quite the plane ride. I went from Detroit to Frankfurt, then from Frankfurt to Chennai, where I am right now. The plane ride was pretty nice, I sat next to a guy from Detroit in the army on the first plane and we watched some movies together (Beauty and the Beast and 300, yes, quite the combination). I also watched this Swedish movie I'd highly recommend called After the Wedding. I didn't get to see the last few minutes though, because the plane was landing. For some reason they put me on standby for the flight to Chennai even though I already had a seat reservation (something weird about how they checked me in and being in the back of the line I guess). I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to get on because they said it was overbooked by 20 seats, but they must have figured it out because I got on. Anyway, I'll be sure and get in the front when I go home. Then on the way to Chennai I sat next to this nice Indian couple and some really cute little kids across the aisle. I was so surprised how good they were the entire plane ride. The girl was only 1 or 2 and an Indian version of Maggie from the Simpsons and sat there and played or slept the entire ride all while sucking on her pacifier. I was excited when her mom asked if I would hold her while she left to walk around and go to the bathroom. You get to be good friends with people on these long plane rides.
Finally I arrived at 1 am Indian time, completely out of it with fatigue and found Anne and Daya, my hosts. We drove back to the house, I got a tour and went to bed for the next 12 hours.
So here I am.
I am an inexperienced blogger myself but have followed a blog by Theresa's sister, Brenda, fairly closely. My suggestion would be to use this medium as your public journal. If you want to keep personal thoughts elsewhere, that's cool, but this is as good a place as any to keep in touch with family and friends (and cheaper than a telephone call). If you need to refer to a past experience, don't bother to repeat the story - just tell your readers/viewers which post to refer back to.
I hope you're having fun.
Love, Meredith
Yay India!!!! Have a blast, dahling :o) It was nice to see you up north before you left.
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